Wow! That is the best way to describe today's ride.
We will definitely be returning to the Talimena Scenic By-way someday. The picture above is just one of the many we took before the battery on the camera died. The by-way has so many spots to pull off and view the scenery that we decided to save some of the overlooks for a future trip. Along the by-way we stopped for lunch at Queen Wilhemina State Park. The restaurant is fantastic. For about $21 for the two of us, we dined on a wonderful buffet with desserts to die for. Thanks to Lester's friend Dan Rena for recommending this route!
Another stop today was at Bob's Rock Shop in DeQueen, Arkansas. Lots of cool rocks! Unfortunately, rocks are bit heavy to ship home.
We had a bit of fright as we came into the small town of Hartshorne, Oklahoma. A small deer jumped from the side of the road and almost skidded into the motorcycle as he spun a circle and then dashed off. Not sure who was more scared, the deer or us, but it happened fast and the deer was gone in a flash across the road. We stopped a couple blocks past there and was followed by another couple who had seen it happened. They didn't know if we had seen the deer or not and wanted to tell us about it.
We will definitely be returning to the Talimena Scenic By-way someday. The picture above is just one of the many we took before the battery on the camera died. The by-way has so many spots to pull off and view the scenery that we decided to save some of the overlooks for a future trip. Along the by-way we stopped for lunch at Queen Wilhemina State Park. The restaurant is fantastic. For about $21 for the two of us, we dined on a wonderful buffet with desserts to die for. Thanks to Lester's friend Dan Rena for recommending this route!
Another stop today was at Bob's Rock Shop in DeQueen, Arkansas. Lots of cool rocks! Unfortunately, rocks are bit heavy to ship home.
We had a bit of fright as we came into the small town of Hartshorne, Oklahoma. A small deer jumped from the side of the road and almost skidded into the motorcycle as he spun a circle and then dashed off. Not sure who was more scared, the deer or us, but it happened fast and the deer was gone in a flash across the road. We stopped a couple blocks past there and was followed by another couple who had seen it happened. They didn't know if we had seen the deer or not and wanted to tell us about it.
Tomorrow we head towards Manhattan, Kansas. We will probably have a short day tomorrow and camp somewhere in southern Kansas before proceeding on to Manhattan.

Here's the requested picture of the my new hairstyle, a joint effort in which Lester wielded the scissors with my guidance.
Okay, girlie, you are so darn cute with that shorter "do," that I know that your husband will always want it short! You look years younger! Very, very becoming.
ReplyDeleteI love the picture that you took in OK.
We played golf in the Cowpasture Classic yesterday (10 holes in a cowpasture metered, not yards). Dear Hubby (DH) and I won 2nd place Cowchip Awards. Ours are silver, by the way...
Anyway we played with another couple who are bikers. It was so much fun. I told them about you and how I'm going to enjoy your trip along with you. LOL!!!
I have a blogsite, too, but I'm not so great keeping it updated, since I fell in love with facebook. LOL!!!
We are building a new house, so our adventure this week was getting the bricks on! Whoooo HOooo!
Thanks so much for the profile. It truly is adorable on you!
Love, blessings, and happy riding,
I would blush from that complement but in reality...I couldn't resist checking out my own reflection yesterday every chance I got! My daughter, who has failed to read past my first posting was taken by surprise when she saw my hair today. It hasn't been cut short since 1992.
ReplyDeleteWe hope to play golf a few times on this trip. We brought our golf gloves and plan to rent clubs. I'm sure your game is better than mine....I play in 140's!
I love your hair, Mom! Just because I didn't read yet didn't mean I didn't plan to. :) I just try to avoid being on the computer at home too much over the weekend 'cause I'm on it constantly during the week for work and homework. We're soooo happy that you're here, and even early. Get some sleep, we plan to wear you out!
ReplyDeleteI really like your haircut too! Very nice.