Tuesday, June 23, 2009

June 23 - Houghton to Green Bay

Daughter Allie is recovering from her surgery at home now and as much as it was hard to leave we did get back on the road. The ride from Houghton, Michigan to Green Bay, Wisconsin was through miles and miles and miles of forest. It was very pretty and I would like to say uneventful but apparently there are those who don't see the need to stop at stop signs. We had a close encounter with a gray minivan this afternoon. The driver rolled through the stop sign without stopping entirely. There is a reason we are taught to stop and look twice both ways. Sometimes we miss what is right there. Fortunately, Lester is an excellent driver and without a blink maneuvered the motorcycle so that we were safe. We did get a close look at the driver though as we passed within a few feet of his front bumper. Another driver did a similar thing just before we got to the hotel. We definitely are enjoying a relaxing and quiet evening in our room! Today's pictures are a combination from today's ride and a trip on Sunday to the Quincy Copper Mine with Allie and her fiancee Corey. Enjoy!

Lester, Corey, Alex, and Brenda ready for hard day's work in the Quincy Copper Mine.

Lester acting like he is on a roller coaster on the ride down the hill to the mine's adit (horizontal entrance).

A view of the steep ride down the hill.

Entering the mine on a tractor-pulled wagon.

A former Michigan Tech classroom inside the mine.

This is one of the buildings at the mine. Notice the Jacobsville sandstone which is native to the area. It is very beautiful and there are many buildings in the area built with it.

An upclose look at the Jacobsville sandstone.

It is wildflower season in Michigan. These purple flowers are my favorite! They may be lupines.

Forests and more forests and more forests and an occasional town.

A beautiful river view in Niagra, Wisconson.


  1. That mine looks really cool! And I'm glad Allie is doing better!

  2. The Mine does look cool - dont know why we never went.
