Wednesday, June 17, 2009

June 17 - Rhinelander, Wisconsin

Bad connections have prevented us from updating the last couple of days. We are now staying at a campground near Rhinelander, Wisconsin. At the moment we are in town doing laundry and picking up provisions for a couple of days. Some items become throw-away on a trip like this: the cooler we will purchase for the food, some type of ground cover or cheap blanket to keep the cold of the ground away, bug spray, etc. We are already in need of a trip to the post office to send some souvenirs home. The most expensive souvenir shops are the Harley-Davidson stores....Lester likes t-shirts with the local store name and pins for his jacket. I have been purchasing postcards---cheap and easy to store.

Somethings we have learned:
1) People don't smile at casinos on Monday mornings. We stopped for a breakfast buffet and never saw a smile while there.....very sad.
2) Staying ahead of the rain is a good thing.
3) It can take 3 hours to go 70 miles. The site-seeing was worth it though.
4) Freeways are boring, local roads are much more scenic.
5) If you have eaten at one pub & grill you have eaten at them all.
6) Trolls do exist in Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin.
7) Museums exist about anything and everything, example -- The Mustard Museum.
8) The ground in Wisconsin is very cold.
9) Your teacher was right when she/he said the days are longer in the north......sunrise at 5:07 a.m.!

Pictures is at the campground.

1 comment:

  1. We are roasting here in Wylie, Tx so enjoy all that cool weather. In the meantime, we have doctored the ground to get rid of all the chiggers. They should all be gone by the time you get back. Everything is quiet here, mainly because we are all staying inside. Your pictures are great and we enjoy them alot. If you are going to Michigan, check out the west coast and all the cherry farms. Wish we had them here.
    God Bless and be safe,
