Corona in a can? What is the world coming to!?!
Another bridge picture.
Sweet Avah, my grand-niece, has spent more time in the hospital than out during her 8 months. I chose this picture because you can see the smile in her eyes!
Retired only 4 months from the post office, Lester can't resist having his picture taken in front of as many post offices as possible. Surely there is a psychological explanation for this!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
June 30 - From Charleston, West Virginia
We had a great visit in Hilliard with my brother Dean and his family. We are now in Charleston, West Virginia. (Thank you Martha for setting up the hotel for us!) We found the local Elks Lodge (Charleston #202) and enjoyed a couple of adult beverages then headed downtown where we had dinner with my brother Dale. He is the "boss" at Tidewater Grill Restaurant at Charleston Town Center Mall. The restaurant is an upscale seafood place and the meal was fantastic. Dale took time out to eat with us but kept an ever watchful eye on the restaurant. It was fun to watch him! We didn't have the camera with us so will stop in the morning to get his picture doing the boss thing. After dinner we took a short ride around downtown Charleston. So much has changed since I lived here some 30 years ago. Tomorrow we plan to head towards the woods again for a couple of days of camping in the Monongahela National Forest. Here's a few pictures for you viewing:
Sunday, June 28, 2009
June 28 - From Hilliard, Ohio
After spending one night in Elkhart, Indiana we decided to skip the golf for that day and head to Warsaw, Indiana not far down the road. We chose not to camp as there were no shady spots so opted for a hotel. We relaxed most of that day and then played golf on Saturday at the Elks Lodge #425/Christina Creek Country Club. I did great! Got a 72......on the front nine.....knew better than to even purchase the back nine! After the golf we stopped in the member's lounge for lunch then lodge hopped going first to Goshen Elks Lodge #798 and then back to Warsaw Elks Lodge #802. This morning we headed back on the road and are now visiting my brother Dean and his family and family friends in Hilliard, Ohio. It was a rare day on the road as only two places that called out for us to stop. The first was a roadside ice cream stand in Rockford, Ohio. We seem to enjoy an afternoon ice cream treat quite frequently these days! We also came across Elks Lodge #2792 in Indian Lake, Ohio. Saw the sign and the open back door so quickly made a turn. It is billed as Ohio's newest Elks Lodge on the sign. A person can get to this lodge by road or boat!
Only one picture today, proof that Lester can still swing that golf club!
Only one picture today, proof that Lester can still swing that golf club!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
June 25 - Racine to Elkhart
We left Racine about 11:30 this morning heading to Indiana. We took a side trip through downtown Chicago. Lester was wanting to see the Jerry Springer studio at the NBC Tower. Unfortunately tours are not part of usual events there. We did get his picture with a picture of Jerry though! I thoroughly enjoyed the trip through Chicago, Lester less so as the motorcycle gets very hot in city traffic. We are currently at a hotel in Elkhart, Indiana. Tomorrow we plan to play golf at the local Elks Lodge, then head to Warsaw. We have camping in mind for a couple of days and may be out of touch during that time. Today's pictures (culled from 115 snapshots):
Can you guess why I took this picture at the oasis/rest area along the tollway heading to Chicago? First person to guess correctly and leave a comment with the answer (just click on word comment at the end of this blog entry) will get a prize!
A very small building between the road and the railroad tracks in Chicago.
A cyclist attaches his bike to the front of a bus. Is this responsible commuting or what?!?
Typical downtown Chicago street scene: cars, pedestrians, and train.
Theater district. Think I will revisit Chicago someday with a different purpose!
NBC Tower on Columbus Street.
Lester and Jerry. 'Nuf said.....
I like this picture!
The bridge out of Chicago. I've taken many bridge pictures so far. This is one of the few that turned out halfway decent.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
June 24 - Green Bay to Racine, Wisconsin
Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!
Wisconsin is in the midst of a heat wave! Everyone here thinks they will absolutely melt. It seems just like a normal summer to us! It has slowed us a bit, but not much. The hotel air conditioning is good....tonight that is, last night it was a different story as the temp in the room never dropped below 80 degrees. The room was otherwise great and we were so tired we just lived with it. It is surprising how many cut-rate hotels have microwaves and refrigerators in the rooms. Means we can shop for dinner or get delivery and eat the left overs for breakfast! Having the computer means I can look online for Chinese!
Only a few pictures today:
These "bottles" are part of the Anheuser-Busch's Busch Agricultural Resources, LLC Manitowoc Malt Plant. We felt like industrial spies as we drove around the plant taking pictures. Lester started drooling at the sight of these Texas-sized beer bottles! (Manitowoc, Wisconsin)
Took a ride down memory lane today. Actually, this is on Lovers Lane in Germantown, Wisconsin. This is the house I spent most of my teenage years.
Germantown High School formally known as Washington High School. No idea why they changed the name. I graced the halls of this school from freshman through junior years.
Lester says he might consider coming out of retirement if the post office would let him drive this vintage postal vehicle! (Well....probably not!) This was just one of the many great displays at the Harley-Davidson Museum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Wisconsin is in the midst of a heat wave! Everyone here thinks they will absolutely melt. It seems just like a normal summer to us! It has slowed us a bit, but not much. The hotel air conditioning is good....tonight that is, last night it was a different story as the temp in the room never dropped below 80 degrees. The room was otherwise great and we were so tired we just lived with it. It is surprising how many cut-rate hotels have microwaves and refrigerators in the rooms. Means we can shop for dinner or get delivery and eat the left overs for breakfast! Having the computer means I can look online for Chinese!
Only a few pictures today:
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
June 23 - Houghton to Green Bay
Daughter Allie is recovering from her surgery at home now and as much as it was hard to leave we did get back on the road. The ride from Houghton, Michigan to Green Bay, Wisconsin was through miles and miles and miles of forest. It was very pretty and I would like to say uneventful but apparently there are those who don't see the need to stop at stop signs. We had a close encounter with a gray minivan this afternoon. The driver rolled through the stop sign without stopping entirely. There is a reason we are taught to stop and look twice both ways. Sometimes we miss what is right there. Fortunately, Lester is an excellent driver and without a blink maneuvered the motorcycle so that we were safe. We did get a close look at the driver though as we passed within a few feet of his front bumper. Another driver did a similar thing just before we got to the hotel. We definitely are enjoying a relaxing and quiet evening in our room! Today's pictures are a combination from today's ride and a trip on Sunday to the Quincy Copper Mine with Allie and her fiancee Corey. Enjoy!
Lester, Corey, Alex, and Brenda ready for hard day's work in the Quincy Copper Mine.
Lester acting like he is on a roller coaster on the ride down the hill to the mine's adit (horizontal entrance).
A view of the steep ride down the hill.
Entering the mine on a tractor-pulled wagon.
A former Michigan Tech classroom inside the mine.
This is one of the buildings at the mine. Notice the Jacobsville sandstone which is native to the area. It is very beautiful and there are many buildings in the area built with it.

An upclose look at the Jacobsville sandstone.
It is wildflower season in Michigan. These purple flowers are my favorite! They may be lupines.
Forests and more forests and more forests and an occasional town.

A beautiful river view in Niagra, Wisconson.
An upclose look at the Jacobsville sandstone.
A beautiful river view in Niagra, Wisconson.
June 23 - Leaving Houghton today?
Just a quick update:
We extended our stay in Houghton, Michigan as daughter #4 our very best youngest daughter, Alexandra, had an appendicitis episode. She had surgery yesterday and should be going home this morning. Will continue on the road after that. Have pictures and such to post regarding some site-seeing on Sunday but will do that on my next update. See you down the road!
We extended our stay in Houghton, Michigan as daughter #4 our very best youngest daughter, Alexandra, had an appendicitis episode. She had surgery yesterday and should be going home this morning. Will continue on the road after that. Have pictures and such to post regarding some site-seeing on Sunday but will do that on my next update. See you down the road!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
June 21 - Happy Father's Day Dad! From the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
We headed out of Rhinelander a day early due to impending storms and a tent that leaks. We have been in Houghton, Michigan since Thursday and may leave tomorrow morning. Houghton is home to my daughter Alex and her fiance Cory as well as Michigan Technological University. Allie took us for tour of campus sounding every bit like the orientation guide she was a couple of summers ago. The highlight of the tour (after the library of course) was the A. E. Seaman Mineral Museum. This was by far the best rock museum I have ever seen and I highly recommend it for those who find themselves in the area. Plan an hour or is that good! Houghton is located on the thumb of the upper peninsula. We took a ride yesterday to the end of the thumb. Wish we had more time to spend in the area. Someone wanting a week long or more getaway would be wise to choose this area. At Copper Harbor we ate at the Harbor Haus Restaurant. Fine dining in a remote location. The chocolate souffle was yummy to put it bluntly. Some pictures:
A beautiful Wisconsin sunset on Lake George.
Like Mother, like daughter.
Alex does big sunglasses well!
The folks at the Calumet Elks Lodge showed us a good time! Thank you! Guess we didn't win that raffle.....
How deep was that snow? Arrow indicates last year while top of measure indicates record snowfall. And to think we get excited with an inch or two a year in Dallas!
On the road towards Copper Harbor.
Copper Harbor and beyond on Lake Superior.
Couldn't resist this picture!
Another view of Lake Superior.
Eagle River Lighthouse at Eagle River Harbor, Lake Superior. Another of my favorite pictures!
This lonely flower/weed needed its picture taken.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
June 17 - Evening
Decided to post the pictures from the last couple of days in a new entry:
A very old Harley-Davidson Motorcycle at the National Motorcycle Museum in Anamosa, Iowa. Had no clue the museum was there until we saw a sign on the highway. Advertising works!
Trolls, trolls everwhere!
Lester and our traveling companion Keller the bear.

Which one should I register my honey as......
SSShhhhh......don't tell the Mustard Museum folks that there is mayonaise on my face!
View of the Mississippi River from the bridge leaving Dubuque, Iowa.
This is the Pendarvis House in Mineral Point, Wisconsin. This house was built as part of Cornish mining community in the early 1800's.
The Brewery Studio is a combination working pottery studio and gallery. Had we not been travelling by motorcycle I would not have been able to resist. The gallery carries works from many artists. My friend Mary Weston's artwork would be right at home among the art available.
It was difficult but I left my mayonaise on the motorcycle. (Quick laughing Connie!)

June 17 - Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Bad connections have prevented us from updating the last couple of days. We are now staying at a campground near Rhinelander, Wisconsin. At the moment we are in town doing laundry and picking up provisions for a couple of days. Some items become throw-away on a trip like this: the cooler we will purchase for the food, some type of ground cover or cheap blanket to keep the cold of the ground away, bug spray, etc. We are already in need of a trip to the post office to send some souvenirs home. The most expensive souvenir shops are the Harley-Davidson stores....Lester likes t-shirts with the local store name and pins for his jacket. I have been purchasing postcards---cheap and easy to store.
Somethings we have learned:
1) People don't smile at casinos on Monday mornings. We stopped for a breakfast buffet and never saw a smile while there.....very sad.
2) Staying ahead of the rain is a good thing.
3) It can take 3 hours to go 70 miles. The site-seeing was worth it though.
4) Freeways are boring, local roads are much more scenic.
5) If you have eaten at one pub & grill you have eaten at them all.
6) Trolls do exist in Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin.
7) Museums exist about anything and everything, example -- The Mustard Museum.
8) The ground in Wisconsin is very cold.
9) Your teacher was right when she/he said the days are longer in the north......sunrise at 5:07 a.m.!
Pictures is at the campground.
Somethings we have learned:
1) People don't smile at casinos on Monday mornings. We stopped for a breakfast buffet and never saw a smile while there.....very sad.
2) Staying ahead of the rain is a good thing.
3) It can take 3 hours to go 70 miles. The site-seeing was worth it though.
4) Freeways are boring, local roads are much more scenic.
5) If you have eaten at one pub & grill you have eaten at them all.
6) Trolls do exist in Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin.
7) Museums exist about anything and everything, example -- The Mustard Museum.
8) The ground in Wisconsin is very cold.
9) Your teacher was right when she/he said the days are longer in the north......sunrise at 5:07 a.m.!
Pictures is at the campground.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Camping near Newton, Iowa
We had a good ride today with plenty of site-seeing. We headed east and then north from Red Oak, Iowa, stopping first at the Corning Winery in Corning. We enjoy stopping at small wineries and almost always find something we like. I'm currently enjoying a bottle of Sis's Blush, a somewhat sweet red table wine. I don't know wine terminology but if I were to fake it I would say that it is light and airy with a slightly sweet fruity taste and a touch of body. We had three preplanned stops in Iowa and knocked out two of those today. The third (A Field of Dreams) may get skipped unless we see a sign at the right time. Winterset is the seat of Madison County and also the birthplace of John Wayne. We went to see one covered bridge of Madison County, the Roseman Bridge. To be honest, I was not super impressed. It was just a bridge that happen to be wood and covered. After looking at the souvenir shop we knew it was not necessary to see the other bridges as they all look alike. I am thoroughly enjoying all the small towns and the rural scenery. I also enjoyed our quick ride through downtown Des Moines. Actually, there is not much that I don't like looking at.....I'm one of those who finds beauty in almost anything. Today's pictures:
Gotta love this science lab at the Corning Winery near Corning, Iowa!
Now that is a big vat of wine!
Lunchtime at the Whistle Stop in Lorimor, Iowa.
It appears we have joined motorcycle gang!
Roseman Bridge near Winterset, Iowa.
Downtown Winterset, Iowa.
John Wayne lived here until he was seven. Then the family moved to California. The rest is history.....
The Duke and my dude!
Saw many silos and grain elevators. I'm thinking that this is just one farm.
My favorite picture so far. This is the Polk County Courthouse in Des Moines, Iowa.
The Iowa state capital is beautiful.
Camping in Newton, Iowa.
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